But when it’s not working right – it’s costing you!
Routine Maintenance of your EGR system prevents costly replacement later and better fuel economy now!
Reducing Emissions
Diesel engines are known for emitting black smoke and diesel smell, but that is only part of the pollution that needs to be controlled. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), and Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) work together to reduce visible and invisible pollutants.
So...Why Do I Care?
EGR mixes ‘dirty’ exhaust gas with clean intake air. When that happens, soot and particulate matter can deposit on the working parts of the EGR system sapping the power and fuel economy from your EGR equipped Diesel engine.
But My Truck is Already Malfunctioning
Our new technology often permits us to repair ‘coded’ filters, and loss of power due to build-up on turbochargers and EGR systems. Your alternative is a very expensive labor and parts bill to get your vehicle performing like it should.
Fuel System Service, too!
While we are servicing your EGR systems, we can clean your fuel system and injectors, too. This routine service will further improve your fuel economy and power output.